How Can I Be Sure that Inpatient Opiate Rehab is Right for Me?

It may be difficult to decide if you need inpatient rehab as opposed to outpatient treatment for your opioid addiction. Luckily, there are ways that you can know for sure as well as certain circumstances that may point to a better chance for your recovery if you choose inpatient treatment.

Opioids do not cause intense withdrawal symptoms like some other drugs and, therefore, many individuals decide to attend rehab in an outpatient capacity or not at all. But according to the NIDA, “Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug abuse.” And there may be many reasons concerning these needs or others that make inpatient opioid drug rehab right for you.

We can help you find the right rehab program for you. Call 800-895-1695 toll free today.

The Importance of Inpatient Rehab vs. Outpatient Rehab

inpatient rehab

Inpatient programs offer a very personal level of care and support.

Many individuals may feel that there is no reason to obsess over the difference between outpatient and inpatient rehab, especially for the treatment of opioid addiction. Either way, patients will receive medication, therapy, and help with issues they may have regarding their addictions to opioids and their treatment. However, there are some key differences between outpatient rehab and inpatient rehab that could affect your overall treatment and even your recovery.

  • Inpatient rehab is usually more hands-on.
  • Inpatient rehab is often more expensive.
  • Inpatient rehab often provides more diverse treatment options.
  • Inpatient rehab will be more beneficial to those with multiple issues or disorders apart from that of their drug abuse.
  • Inpatient rehab is more suited for those who do not have extensive social supports at home.

All of these reasons should be sufficient to convince you that choosing a type of facility is just as important as any other decision you will make in your treatment. And, while many people are perfectly capable of attending outpatient rehab and thrive there, some patients may need the many aspects of inpatient treatment, even if they are abusers of opioids which do not cause the life-threatening withdrawal symptoms that other drugs may cause. After all, withdrawal and detox are only part of rehab treatment. We can help you find the best rehab program for your needs. Call 800-895-1695 toll free today.

24-Hour Care

Many individuals need the 24-hour care of inpatient rehab for opioid addiction. Perhaps they are struggling with dangerous condition such as HIV or Hepatitis C, which are often contracted as a result of heroin abuse. Maybe a patient might be worried that, left up to their own devices, they will be likely to relapse even after withdrawal is over. Or they may need to be monitored for another reason. All in all, inpatient rehab can be necessary for certain individuals going through opioid addiction treatment.

If you feel that you need the 24-hour care and surveillance that patients in inpatient rehab receive or the safety of a controlled environment where less is left up to chance for patients still working through recovery, then inpatient rehab is likely right for you. Consider whether or not you truly need these aspects as a part of your treatment and, if you do, look for an inpatient rehab facility that provides the right amount of care for you.


The expense of inpatient drug rehab can be higher, and this is no exception when it comes to opioid treatment. The NIDA does state that outpatient rehab can be less expensive than the alternative, but that outpatient treatment “varies in the types and intensity of the services offered.” Certain individuals might not want outpatient treatment, even if it is less expensive, because it does not offer all the treatments they are looking for.

However, if you truly need inpatient treatment and are unable to pay the high price most facilities ask, there are also free and low-cost inpatient rehab facilities where an individual can receive treatment for opioid addiction. Most times, admittance to these facilities will be based on your income and other factors determining your financial situation. If you are considered to be in need of free or low-cost treatment, you can find an inpatient rehab facility somewhere near you that provides it.

Need help finding a treatment program? Call us toll free at 800-895-1695.

Diverse Treatment Options

Most of the time, the treatment options at an inpatient facility are more diverse. If you are looking for holistic treatments like art therapy, spiritual development, yoga, nutritional classes, or other treatments that are supplemental or non-traditional, you are more likely to find them in an inpatient facility.

In many instances, holistic treatments are beneficial to those going through opioid rehab. In addition, you will also likely find more diverse medical treatments (as opposed to outpatient facilities which usually supply one type of medication as well as group therapy).

Co-Occurring Disorder

If you are suffering from a co-occurring disorder (especially a mental disorder) along with your opioid addiction, you should truly consider inpatient treatment. Issues like mood and anxiety disorders are common among individuals who are addicted to drugs, and often, they make a person more susceptible to drug abuse.

If an individual goes without treatment for one of these disorders, they will not recover as well and be more likely to experience relapse. Inpatient opioid rehab will be more likely to provide help for these conditions than outpatient rehab. Co-occurring disorders left untreated during addiction rehab will cause the patient to feel like only half of their issues are being solved. If you suffer from dual diagnosis, finding the right treatment is crucial. Call 800-895-1695 for help today.

Social Support

Those who have strong social support systems at home often do not need inpatient rehab, but those without these supports will. Inpatient rehab can help individuals without a good group of friends and family members stay strong during recovery, the way those individuals can help someone in outpatient rehab. If you are without this kind of support, inpatient opioid rehab could be necessary for a stronger recovery.

If you have read the information above, you know what would make inpatient opioid rehab right for a specific patient. Now consider your needs and ask yourself if they fit in with those which describe a candidate who is right for inpatient treatment. You will be sure if inpatient opioid rehab is right for you if you take the time to acknowledge your needs and decide if they require a more intense treatment option like the ones described above.