Symptoms of Methadone Withdrawal & How to Cope with Each

Taking methadone for to control an opiate addiction is a step in the right direction, but what do you do when you have to quit taking that too? The symptoms of methadone withdrawal can be much more difficult to cope with than those of heroin addiction and they may take longer to subside even with complete abstinence. Below are some of the most common symptoms of methadone withdrawal as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and a list of recommendation for effectively and safely coping with each:


When you first stop taking methadone, you are likely to experience restlessness that makes it difficult to focus or sit still. If you’re feeling restless, try exercising to exert some of that unspent energy. While you may not really feel like exercising vigorously, even a nice walk can help you to relax later on.

Nausea and Vomiting

Opiate addiction, methadone especially, can cause severe nausea and vomiting that hinders the process of recovery. If you are nauseous, do your best to relax and remain still as this will help your stomach to settle. If vomiting is occurring, it’s important to take precautionary measures to ensure that you don’t get dehydrated. Drink fluids, such as clear broth or sports drinks, in very small amounts at a time to allow at least some nutrients to make their way into your body. If nausea and vomiting persist, seek prompt medical treatment.


methadone withdrawal

Exercising during the day can help combat insomnia at night.

RLS is very common in people who quit taking methadone after developing a physical tolerance. This alone can make sleeping a difficult process. Often times, methadone withdrawal will lead to insomnia that makes it seem nearly impossible to sleep. Exercise will help to reduce insomnia as will proper diet. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants such as nicotine to help reduce the effects of insomnia. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, try an herbal tea with chamomile to help you relax.

Bone, Muscle or Joint Pain

The bone pain and the pain that surrounds the muscles or joints during methadone withdrawal is often the reason for relapse. Users report feeling like they simply cannot go another minute dealing with the pain. If you are experiencing severe bone or joint pain, you may be able to find some relief in over the counter medications such as Ibuprofen. A warm bath may also help to relax and sooth the body while further promoting the well needed rest that will aid in your recovery.