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5 Ideas for the Spouse of a Recovering Addict
Living with an addict is no walk in the park. With addiction, everything is placed in “plus one mode”. Sometimes this can be part of the attraction. Usually, addicts are funny, witty and charming. They are generally seekers. The magnitude of these qualities may be part of the reason you fell in love with your….
Pain Management or Opiate Addiction?
When you are prescribed pain medications by a doctor, it’s difficult to fathom that you may become addicted. Many times, those who are legitimately prescribed pain medication tend to overlook their own abuse of the drug thinking that they are simply controlling their pain. Unfortunately, pain relief is often the leading cause of a much….
After 120 Days in Treatment, Here are 7 Things We Learned to Expect in Addiction Therapy
Attending an extended inpatient rehabilitation facility can help establish a firm foundation for continued recovery from drug addiction. Intensive treatment offers education and support for patients. While some people feel 120 days of treatment should be sufficient to help substance abusers kick the habit, professionals understand that inpatient treatment is merely a training ground for….
5 Warning Signs Indicating Drug Addiction in a Spouse
All relationships ebb and flow with varying levels of intimacy and closeness. Life activities can get in the way of really spending time together. Little changes gradually may not seem like a big deal until one day, you wake up feeling like you don’t even know the person you married. Addiction may be the hidden….