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Pain Management or Opiate Addiction?
When you are prescribed pain medications by a doctor, it’s difficult to fathom that you may become addicted. Many times, those who are legitimately prescribed pain medication tend to overlook their own abuse of the drug thinking that they are simply controlling their pain. Unfortunately, pain relief is often the leading cause of a much….
Overcoming History: Why Children of Addicted Parents Often Land in Rehab
It is an unfortunate fact that many parents who are addicted to drugs have children that also grow up to find themselves addicted and in need of rehab. There are a variety of factors that cause the child of a drug addict to become addicted themselves. Genetics According to the Mayo Clinic, it is possible….
Prescription Drug Abuse a Gateway to Heroin Addiction
Opiates encompass a wide class of both legal and illegal drugs. Nonetheless, opiate drug effects remain the same regardless of whether the drug comes from the streets or from the pharmacy. Prescription pain relief medications and heroin both fall within the opiate class of drugs and, as of 2014, remain the fastest growing addictions in….
5 Key Communication Strategies for Addicts in Recovery
Substance Use Disorders ravage relationships. Lies, betrayals and broken promises litter relationships in which at least one partner is an addict. If both partners are addicts, the relationship turmoil is doubly dysfunctional. Finding ways to improve communication in sobriety is key to sustaining relationships. Communication Issues There are so many communication issues that riddle an….